Workshops & Seminars

Dr Sue Whiting
Author, Speaker & Memory Consultant
Grand Master of Memory

Sue’s seminars and workshops are packed full of the latest tools, strategies and practical techniques to make your life easier by enhancing mental abilities. What attendees learn in her workshops is far broader than pure memory techniques: stress control, diet tips and sleep improvement canall be included.

The standard seminar includes the most easily assimilated, practical and useful techniques from Sue’s tool kit; however,seminars, half day or full day workshops can be tailored for any group – or individual.And Sue can cram plenty of memorable tips into a 45 minute Keynote Presentation for large groups!

How to improve your memory

Tools and techniques to enhance your mental abilities

Basic one hour seminar:

  • Why you need to forget things and how to overcome the ‘Forgetting Curve’*
  • How your memory works
  • Strategies for remembering names and faces
  • How to remember numbers and in particular pin numbers
  • Impact of Diet/Sleep/Stress
  • Practical tips

* The forgetting curve is attributed to Ebbinghaus……… can remember that by thinking of the tide ebbing away from a seafront house…like your memories do…..

Getting fit for remembering

Sue believes thatif sensible life style choices are made, the mind improves with age for the majority of people.  However, in today’s fast lifestyle and stressful environment, many are unable to control their stress levels and have insufficient time for healthier lifestyle options. She has studied extensively the effect of diet and exercise on the brain and is able to advise clients on where to make improvements that can be easily incorporated into busy lifestyles.


Sue realised the detrimental effect that stress has on the mind when encountering cancellations and delays to the Sunday morning train service during 1995 World Memory Championships held in London. Although still arriving on time, the stressful journey had a devastating effect on her memory for the first competition. This began her quest to find a way of dealing with stress that can be quickly and easily incorporated into busy lifestyles. Scientific research has shown that a chronically high level of cortisol (one of the main stress hormones) shrinks the hippocampus (the main memory storing part of the brain).

She chose to specialise in the easy-to-use HeartMath® stress transformation technique because of the scientific research proving its effectiveness.Research has shown that cortisol levels are reduced and DHEA levels are increased when doing the HeartMath® breathing exercises. So people who use this technique are effectively able to control their own internal pharmacy.

The HeartMath® technique is a simple breathing exercise. As it is done with the eyes open it’s possible to use it in those odd wasted moments during the day e.g. while waiting for the kettle to boil, the lights to change from red or even during a meeting. Being a qualifiedHeartMath®  coach Sue is able to give attendees a one minute stress transformation exercise that can be done anywhereat any time.