
Dr Sue Whiting
Author, Speaker & Memory Consultant
Grand Master of Memory

Dr Sue Whiting, Memory Grand Master and five times (1994 -1998) Women’s World Memory champion, has more than 20 years’ extensive experience in the field of memory at all levels:, including lecturing and coaching clients in practical memory techniques and strategies to solve their memory and learning problems. A qualified Chartered Accountant and Chartered Tax Adviser (though no longer practising), Sue now works as a writer and independent memory consultant, largely with professional services organisations.

Sue is additionally a licensed 1:1 Coach in the HeartMath® system for Stress Transformation, High Performance and Resilience Building. In this modern age, more than ever before, stress is adversely affecting many people’s mental faculties. She chose the HeartMath® system because the tools and techniques are quick and simple to use in ‘real time’.  HeartMath®'s quantifiable, easily accessible and award winning emWave® technology, backed by over 20 years’ research, provides real time monitoring and feedback to show clients their progress. She also advises clients on how to take control and to appreciate the impact of diet, stress and lifestyle choices on mental abilities.

Sue’s work has shown her that most of us are suffering from information overload – yet we end up forgetting to do the most important things. Her basic one hour seminar is packed full of strategies and practical techniques to make our lives easier by enhancing mental abilities. Sue is also available to work on a 1:1 basis with those who want to improve their memory skills – from primary school child to senior citizen.

Sue became interested in the workings of the memory soon after her children arrived.  A career break enabled her to develop her interest, become a Memory Grand Master and the Women’s World Memory champion. In doing so, Sue realised that all the hard study that she had done to pass her university and professional exams could have been much more effective.

Sue spearheaded the first ever UK schools’ memory championships when she devised and wrote all the material and training packs for the 2007/2008 Junior Memory Challenge.  Her work extended to conducting pre-competition trials as well as being arbiter for the final, held at Imperial College, London in March 2008. Year 4 children from sixty primary schools participated and the positive feedback received showed the tremendous demand there was for teaching children how to use their memories effectively.  Sue has spoken in primary schools (even teaching some of the teachers!) and also conducted the popular Wizard of Spells lectures held at the Science Museum in August 2012. Her ideas for the children’s Wizard of Spells series of books were developed from these experiences.

With Sue’s scientific background (the Dr refers to D. Phil in Astrophysics from Oxford University) she naturally keeps up to date with recent developments being made in neuroscience.


  • 1993 to present: Conducting group seminars and coaching individuals to solve their memory and learning problems by developing strategies and techniques that provide practical solutions.
  • 2014 Licensed 1:1 Coach in the HeartMath® system for Stress Transformation, High Performance and Resilience Building.
  • Member of the World Memory Sports Council (governing body of the World Memory Championships) 2011-2013.
  • Created and wrote all the material for the inaugural Primary Schools section of The Schools Memory Championships 2010, on behalf of the World Memory Sports Council. Conducted the training sessions for teachers and parents.
  • Special Consultant and Major Contributor to ‘The Memory Book’ by Tony Buzan 2009.
  • Created, coordinated and wrote all the material for the inaugural Junior Memory Challenge for UK Primary Schools in February 2008 on behalf of the Learning Skills Foundation. This was the first ever nationwide schools’ memory competition: sixty schools participated. Drew heavily on the organisational and business skills developed when working as a manager in commerce.
  • Author of ABG/WoltersKluwer UK Corporation Tax Guides 2001 – 2005.
  • Special Consultant and Major Contributor to ‘Master Your Memory’ by Tony Buzan 1995.
  • CEO of Buzan Advanced Memory Techniques Brain Club 1994 -1997.
  • CEO of London Cell of the Buzan Brain Club 1992 -1994 and Hertfordshire Brain Club 1994-1996.